Emergency Contact Information

"Upstairs" Contacts

Upstairs address:
824 Jessie St., Dayton OH, 45410

Police, Fire, Rescue: 911

Dayton Police: 937-333-2677

Dayton Fire & Rescue: 937-333-3473

"Downstairs" Contacts

Downstairs address:
1013 Irving Ave., Dayton OH, 45419

Police, Fire, Rescue: 911

Dayton Police: 937-333-2677

Dayton Fire & Rescue: 937-333-3473

Oakwood Police, Fire & Rescue: 937-298-2122

Field-Related Baseball And Softball Officers

Building, Property, and Grounds Committee Chair
Ryan Sullivan: 937-673-4893

Youth Baseball President
Jim Murphy: 937-689-2424

Majors and Minors Baseball Vice-President
Karen Sexton: 937-344-6417

Girls Softball Vice-President
Trisha Greear: 423-748-0032

Coach Pitch Baseball Vice-President
Dan Biedenharn: 937-239-3868

Safety Officer
Scott Fox:  937-272-8590